Sunday, July 29, 2007

To Kanyon

Tonight, Parker arrived home from a day at the ranch and we were talking about his day, when all of a sudden he said:
Momma, I want to tell Kanyon. You know Kanyon, my cousin, like Gay's Jaymie's Kanyon.

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SO, I let him! The above is what he wanted to tell Kanyon! It had something to do with the ranch, and a horse. WE LOVE YOU!


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

That is too sweet!

Parker you're my hero!

I can't wait to see all the little cousins playing together-I pray you will be great friends like we all are.

Jodi said...

How precious is that! Yay Parker! You are an EXCELLENT blogger, Superman! :)

Rachel said...

Parker - you are so sweet to send a message to Kanyon! One day soon he'll be big enough to play with you! And I LOVE your Superman undies!

Amy C said...

Love the superman pants. Blake is wearing his cape right now. I love your blog. You are too cute!

Amy C said...

I love Parker's picture of you. His blog is so cute. I need to let Bailey do one.

Stacey Pearson said...

That's my Superman! I would like to think he got this great idea of sending a message to Kanyon from me, but sometimes our kids are more considerate and compassionate than we are. What a lesson he is teaching me!

jaymie said...

Parker..Kanyon says THANK YOU! He can't talk just yet, but I read him your blog and I could tell he loved it. He can't wait to play with you. I bet he'll love for you to show him all of your cows and horses. He LOVES hearing about the ranch. His daddy tells him about his ranch too. You are the best cousin in the world! I love you and so does Kanyon!